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'Let your light shine' (Matthew 5:16)

Commando Joes

Commando Joe - Realising Your Potential



We are excited to share our news that we have used some of our pupil premium allowance to fund the excellent Commando Joe programme. All children will undertake at least one mission (or more) over the year using our COJO box which is filled with everything that is needed to complete each individual mission. The primary aim of this exciting programme is to help develop essential life and character skills to young people. This links to our vision, ethos and Christian Values- values they need to be successful in life .


Endorsed by Sir Ranulph Fiennes, one of the world's greatest explorers, the character education programme is designed to help every child achieves their full potential.


Based on the lives of real-life adventurers and explorers like, Sir Ranulfph, Ed Stafford and Tim Peake, children are challenged with themed missions which they have to complete. This can include saving an endangered animal, collecting items for a trip to the jungle and crossing obstacle courses to save another team member! Children learn about a different hero or heroine with practical and mental tasks to complete based on their adventures.


The COJO Character Curriculum is based upon the following 4 principles -


1. Character development is a right for every child.


2. Character education will empower young people.


3. Character will inform the ethos, direction of learning and culture of the school.


4. Character should be developed in partnership with staff, pupils and parents.


The COJO Character for Learning programme will:


Provide a great foundation on which all children will get the chance to achieve, be resilient, determination, empathy, courage and make great choices for life - in and outside school.


This will be achieved through children:


  • Accessing coherent, sequential learning
  • Being inspired to do their best and have ambition to achieve
  • Leading and being led to achieve outcomes
  • Engaging in deep thinking to support their decision-making and action(s)
  • Experiencing a wide range of relevant and exciting activity 

Click on the link to visit the Commando Joes website for more information and details.
