Autumn, term 1, 2022
Friendship and People in the Community
This term the children will be learning all about themselves and what makes them unique. This means focusing on not only their physical attributes but also personal qualities and preferences. They will be learning about people in the Community and what makes a good friend. They will take part in various activities over the next 7 weeks which allow them to develop their knowledge and understanding around this topic. For example; children will be studying their own faces and creating portraits of themselves using the class mirror to observe their facial features. They will also learn about their family trees, discussing who they live with and who they are related to. This is a wonderful opportunity that allows us to introduce the children to various family dynamics. It is important that they learn each family is unique just like each individual. They will also grow in confidence, sharing their personal opinions in front of the class, learning that it is ok to think differently to their peers.
In Literacy, the children will be listening to a range of stories over the weeks, developing their listening and attention skills. We model to the children how to hold a book correctly, the right way up. How to turn the pages carefully, looking after the book. We also introduce them to specific vocabulary such as front cover, title and author. We encourage the children to express their own opinions and ideas based on what we have read in class. The children will also be starting their phase 2 phonics. We are using 'Little Wandle Phonics'. The children will be learning to recognise a range of phonemes (a sound in its smallest unit) e.g. s whilst trying to form them in glitter, sand, paint and shaving foam. Engaging activities allow the children to make neural connections in the brain much quicker. Phonics enables a child to read and write so this is a very exciting part of their educational journey. I have attached a phonics guide for parents if you would like to further your own knowledge, it will help you when you are practicing at home with your child. We also use actions and formation rhymes to help children remember, I have also attached these documents above. Most children will also become secure in independently recognising their own name and if they are ready for it, writing it.
In Maths, the children will be building strong foundations in their number sense and knowledge. In class, we will be using Lancashire planning which includes a ‘Number Land’ focus, bringing numbers 1-10 to life for the children. This allows the children to explore one number a week. In Autumn term 1, the children will be counting out loud, counting objects, recognising numerals, exploring how to represent numbers and calculating in many different ways e.g. adding, subtracting, one more/one less. They will also be introduced to 2D shapes and will be encouraged to investigate the shapes properties whilst using mathematical language.
PE will take place twice a week. On Monday it is Diddi Dance and on Friday afternoon it is "Aliens need our help!" drama and dancing with More Music. Please make sure that your child comes to school in the correct PE uniform (weather dependent).
Key events this term;
Macmillan Coffee morning
Harvest Church Service
Flu vaccinations, consent letters will be sent home first, date TBC.
Autumn, term 2, 2022
This term the children will be learning all about celebrations, from their own culture and religion but also celebrations that they might not have been exposed to. Here at Thurnham Glasson, we want our children to understand that people celebrate in many different ways all over the world. Children will explore bonfire night, Diwali, birthdays, weddings around the world, and also the nativity.
In Literacy, the children will be listening to a range of stories over the weeks, continuing to develop their listening and attention skills. The children are still learning phase 2 phonemes and they are starting to use these within their own reading and writing. Some children will now be confident with initial sounds, moving on to CVC words.
In Maths, the children will be building strong foundations in their number sense and knowledge. In class we will be using planning which is based on ‘Number Land’, bringing numbers to life for the children. In Autumn term 2, the children will continue to count out loud, count objects, recognise numerals, explore how to represent numbers and calculate in many different ways e.g. adding, subtracting, one more/one less. They will also be introduced to 2D shapes and will be encouraged to investigate the properties of the shape whilst using mathematical language. Focusing on numbers 5 to 10.
PE will take place twice a week. On Monday it is Diddi Dance and on Friday afternoon it is Rugby Tots. Please make sure that your child comes to school in the correct PE uniform (weather dependent).
Key events this term;
Flu vaccinations
Reception vision tests
Remembrance Service
Children in Need
The Nativity
The Christmas Production
The Christmas Fair
Christmas Party