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'Let your light shine' (Matthew 5:16)

School Council

At Thurnham Glasson Church of England Primary School we believe in the principle of a school community: teachers, governors, children and parents.


As part of our ongoing school development, the school council represents an active voice of the children within the school, thus encouraging the children to take a more pivotal role in school decision making and policy implementation.


We aim to:


To provide a voice for the children within our school.

To encourage decision making and the active involvement of children in the life of the school.

To encourage a deeper understanding of the democratic approaches of discussion and decision making.

To create a truly inclusive body that actively informs fellow children about decisions made following democratic discussion.


School Council meetings will take place fortnightly on Wednesday lunchtimes. School Council members may invite teachers, senior leaders, Governors and parents as appropriate.  The School Council will elect a chair person and vice chair to lead the meetings with the support of a teacher.



Each meeting will have an agenda established at the end of the previous meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be taken by a School Council member. The School Council members will feed back to their classes within an established time.

Quotes from School Council Members Past and Present:

"School council helps the school be a better place and makes the children happy." Year 4 School Council


"I enjoy School Council as it gives me the chance to help the children and the school." Year 6 School Council President.


"I like people coming to me for help and raising the problems at the meetings." Year 5 School Council Member


"I like helping people." Year 1 School Council Member


