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Information from Lancashire School Games


Over the past couple of weeks the Lancashire School Games Organisers team, Active Lancashire and the Lancashire PE team have been developing a PE, school sport and physical activity resource/timetable.


The resource is centred around 4 key themes:

Move - resources that help children to achieve 60 active minutes.

Learn - Skill and sports skill development. A FMS skill activity for KS1 and a KS2 sport skill activity adapted from the Lancashire PE SOW for a weekly PE activity for children to undertake.

Challenge - A weekly personal best challenge linked to the weekly PE learn activity along with a current /trending challenge or other type challenge.

Play - providing ideas and resources for children to be active through play.


We have felt that there is far too much info online for parents and that it can all be a little overwhelming which is why we have created a central website. Therefore the 'Move' and 'Play' sections take parents to a number of great resources that have been streamlined and are age appropriate (e.g. Joe Wicks not really appropriate for KS1).


Years 1 and 2

Years 3 to 6


