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'Let your light shine' (Matthew 5:16)

Covid Catch Up Funding

The government has provided a Coronavirus Catch-up Premium for the 2020/2021 academic year.

This is for specific, planned activities to support pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year.

Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way to meet the needs of the children within their school.

Further information on the Catch-up Premium is available here.

We received a total of £1,280 (£750 in 2020/2021 and £530 in 2021/2022).

We will be spending the premium on:

  1. Additional targeted interventions.
  2. The purchase of additional resources.
  3. Additional classroom support.


The key areas have commenced. The impact will be  measured through regular monitoring, assessment and evaluation.


For information, please contact Mrs Duncan.
