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'Let your light shine' (Matthew 5:16)

Our Church School

Worship is at the very heart of daily life at Thurnham Glasson Church of England Primary School. This is because...
It openly places God at the centre of daily life in our Church of England School and therefore acknowledges God as the heartbeat.

Worship is a time when the whole school comes together as a family to focus on God and collectively feel, listen to, experience, celebrate and share the heartbeat.
God's presence pulses throughout every aspect of school life and beyond, into the community.
It provides an opportunity for the school community to develop their own personal relationship with God and discover God within their own heartbeat.
Worship makes an enormous contribution to the ethos of our school, but more importantly, it is the stimulus which flows throughout the whole life of the school.
In the same way that we are encouraged to look after our hearts and keep them healthy, we must strive to ensure that the heartbeat of our school is kept strong and healthy by making our worship meaningful and relevant, for it is that heartbeat that makes Thurnham Glasson Church of England Primary School so very special.

We have very close links with Christ Church Glasson Dock.

Reverend Gary Lewis comes into school every Thursday morning to lead whole-school worship.


Some services are available to view on Reverend Gary's You Tube channel.

Worship themes are not restricted to our collective times in the hall, Worship is taken back into the classroom and is reflected in each and every child in school through fantastic teaching. Each class also has a Worship Table where children can engage with prayer and interact with our half-termly Value. The children take part in Worship every day.


On Friday mornings, we all take part in a special Celebration Worship, where we share our successes from the week and rejoice in achievements. We celebrate the Leading Light AwardV.I.P. (Values Inspired Person) and Mathletics certificates. All parents and Carers are welcome to join us. The dates for our Celebration Worships are published on our weekly newsletter.


Children can bring in any personal achievements from home to celebrate and share. 


We share our School prayer and School song 'Let us see the light'. It is an uplifting, feel-good song that we always look forward to.

School Song 'Let us see the light'.wav

Our School Prayer


Father God,

You know everything we say and do each day,

Still you love us and forgive us,

Please keep us safe we pray.

Help us all know the comfort of your loving care

Keep us growing, keep us showing,

Your light shines everywhere.


We often walk to church on special occasions, such as our Leavers service, Easter celebration, Carol Service and Nativity.

We also play an important part in other services at Church throughout the year, such as Mothering Sunday, Harvest Festival and Christingle.

To look at our latest SIAMS report, click here



          Our Christian Values

We have visits from the Chaplain at Ripley St Thomas C of E Academy, who leads our Worship and we may do some singing too!

Here, the Chaplain along with the Head of Music Don Gillthorpe came to see us and we heard the story of 'The Lost Sheep'.

