Our School Vision
At Thurnham Glasson Church of England Primary School, we believe that “we are here to give every child the opportunity to flourish in the light of Christ.” Everything that we do is in the knowledge that each of us is unique, with our own strengths and talents and, with God’s guidance, we can inspire each other to shine.
Our vision is based on Matthew 5:16 “Let your light shine.”
L earning to love, loving to learn
I nspiring each other
G uided by God
H ome, school, church
T ogether we shine’.
Our vision statement purpose is:
1. To create a happy and safe school where children work hard and learn, following the teachings of Jesus.
2. To develop in children a sense of awe and wonder at the world around them.
3. To help children make a positive contribution to the world as caring, responsible citizens.
4. To provide a strong foundation for successful life-long learning.
5. To be a friendly school at the heart of the community where families are supported and strengthened.
‘Let your light shine’.
(Matthew 5:16)
What Does this mean to us:
At Thurnham Glasson Church of England Primary School we all ‘Let Our Light Shine’ , in all we do, whilst demonstrating Christian values which are pertinent to all faiths. We focus on inclusivity, welcoming, and celebrating, an increasingly diverse range of families in terms of culture, religion and socio-economic background.