We aim to make your child's time in nursery exciting, fun and in a place where they feel safe and secure in the knowledge that we are all learners but we are also all teachers. We care for each other and we learn from each other and it's ok to make mistakes. In fact, the very best learning comes from making mistakes!
We have set up the nursery so it is a rich learning environment in which the children can direct their own learning adventures, as well as having some more structured group times to target their progress. Our team are always there to help and support them, whether it be helping get the resources they may need to carry out an investigation or simply encouraging them to find the correct words to solve any small disagreement which may arise.
We follow the EYFS curriculum and so much of the curriculum is covered by the children making their own choices within the learning environment we have created. We also have various topics which we cover each term and we have put those up below for you to see. This way if you want to learn alongside us, or would like to encourage your child to speak about some of the experiences they may be having, then reading our Knowledge Organisers is a really good place to start. If you also have a look at our blog alongside these then it will all start to make a lot more sense!
You may well have a look and feel that you have seen that we are doing something that you know a lot about or have a real passion for. Please feel free to share your ideas with us. Thurnham Glasson Primary School has always believed that a strong partnership between home and school gives the children the very best foundation to learning. Like we said earlier- We are all teachers and we are all learners.